/mnt/tmp/riscv64/tmp/libserializer.DOmMPV ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild /mnt/tmp/riscv64/RPMS /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild Spawning worker 0 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 1 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 2 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 3 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 4 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 5 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 6 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 7 with 699 pkgs Spawning worker 8 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 9 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 10 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 11 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 12 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 13 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 14 with 698 pkgs Spawning worker 15 with 698 pkgs Workers Finished Saving Primary metadata Saving file lists metadata Saving other metadata Generating sqlite DBs Sqlite DBs complete /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild