Error: No Matches found dev: 2048 ino: 17 mode: 33188 nlink: 1 uid: 0 gid: 0 rdev: 0 size: 0 blksize: 4096 blocks: 0 atime: 1519082781 mtime: 1519082781 ctime: 1519082781 dev: 2048 ino: 18 mode: 33188 nlink: 1 uid: 0 gid: 0 rdev: 0 size: 0 blksize: 4096 blocks: 0 atime: 1519082793 mtime: 1519082793 ctime: 1519082793 cp: cannot stat '/mnt/tmp/riscv64/tmp/libopendaap.JwUkPM/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/*.noarch.rpm': No such file or directory /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild /mnt/tmp/riscv64/RPMS /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild Spawning worker 0 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 1 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 2 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 3 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 4 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 5 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 6 with 674 pkgs Spawning worker 7 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 8 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 9 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 10 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 11 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 12 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 13 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 14 with 673 pkgs Spawning worker 15 with 673 pkgs Workers Finished Saving Primary metadata Saving file lists metadata Saving other metadata Generating sqlite DBs Sqlite DBs complete /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild sending incremental file list sent 275,925 bytes received 16 bytes 78,840.29 bytes/sec total size is 8,700,303,145 speedup is 31,529.58 sending incremental file list sent 365,723 bytes received 16 bytes 104,496.86 bytes/sec total size is 6,918,072,801 speedup is 18,915.33 sending incremental file list sent 191,750 bytes received 16 bytes 76,706.40 bytes/sec total size is 1,018,693,438 speedup is 5,312.17 sending incremental file list repodata/ deleting repodata/f380e80b522865f94902511e4e493be0416b77f6831100d6f10ffc5c77c41332-primary.xml.gz deleting repodata/eadf3fcc008c2936626945620e7045f581700ae8dc2a63be3a060a7679de7559-filelists.sqlite.bz2 deleting repodata/c6b3826c686b4d60cb877e68cef7edf4bdfdf551c701cfd9f0f9f51113aaa7b4-other.sqlite.bz2 deleting repodata/a707427c3c0d944a4e9144abc933ae0b6365a0ff316cac803a91edccd8f86f54-primary.sqlite.bz2 deleting repodata/84bf5078e1ee60cd4071dcf5af1c0ed38fca4e0457e888fb8d22b4a14e8149b2-other.xml.gz deleting repodata/81b1ba03558f9ab3623c885c5e1afdd90269df681874b8a755cb6b38a0087e2a-filelists.xml.gz repodata/0efa1a8f1c877cbdbf10c775237390708c07c80e5cce02f4122213d8e595f2f1-other.xml.gz repodata/7b0a563a35dedfcb6830d7a3e21837c44c50a5aee1f0a8e24d6c3de4cf6e9751-filelists.sqlite.bz2 repodata/808aa0ec5a592180e317f6d1e4350b769d64f2a73c4ed103d53cc2227315e516-other.sqlite.bz2 repodata/93b1669a01cdc42bee5f89cdb385d7b575dbdf222de83949110bf125096f14d7-primary.xml.gz repodata/d410cc672fce56fc66a12b2a4cdb5f9a64338da44b92227d88c9f2bcb2967997-filelists.xml.gz repodata/d5e65346746d82425127125258346ddcf7ac0f93b4d091d7e22d6cfdb17c160a-primary.sqlite.bz2 repodata/repomd.xml sent 29,616,868 bytes received 754 bytes 731,299.31 bytes/sec total size is 29,608,716 speedup is 1.00 sending incremental file list logs/glibc-2.27-4.fc28.src.rpm/build.log logs/libdnf-0.11.1-3.0.riscv64.fc27.src.rpm/script.log logs/libnl3-3.2.28-3.fc25.src.rpm/build.log logs/libnl3-3.2.29-0.1.fc25.src.rpm/build.log logs/libnl3-3.2.29-0.2.fc25.src.rpm/build.log logs/libopendaap-0.4.0-16.fc25.src.rpm/script.log sent 599,664 bytes received 51,793 bytes 144,768.22 bytes/sec total size is 667,284,272 speedup is 1,024.30 sending incremental file list sent 71 bytes received 11 bytes 32.80 bytes/sec total size is 655,101 speedup is 7,989.04 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild